How Intent Data is used by revenue teams beyond the usual Website Insight data?

By Aadarsh K S | July 14, 2023

Buyer Intent Data is the cutting-edge sales intelligence tool that helps you get ahead of prospects’ subtle buying signals, positioning you to be first in the door to make your pitch. Do your prospects need help with creative marketing strategies? Are they looking for a digital marketing agency? Is there a competitor they’re considering that could offer a better solution? If so, buyer intent data can see them coming before they even know what they’re looking for, allowing you to go after them first.

What is Intent Data?

Intent data allows you to reach out to potential customers at the exact moment they’re ready to convert. When buyers face a problem, they do research online to find a solution. They often narrow down their options before you have had a chance to connect with them. Now imagine if you knew your prospects were researching a solution like yours shortly after they started the process. Sales and marketing teams armed with these behavioural signals can then prioritize accounts that are spiking on relevant topics over equally qualified accounts that don’t show intent.

With Intelous Intent, sales and marketing teams find accounts that research topics relevant to their business through the online consumption of:

  • Product reviews
  • Google Trends
  • Blogs, Case studies and whitepaper
  • Product comparisons
  • Message boards like, Reddit, Twitter
  • Listing Sites
  • General news
  • Partner websites

Intelous can help you find, engage and buy from consumers who are actively in the process of purchasing a particular category of product or service. Our Conversational AI platform automatically identifies consumer buying patterns, helping your sales team reach those individuals with the right message at the right time.

How is Buyer Intent Data Collected?

Sure, it’s easy to monitor search activity in Google and Bing. But the most valuable content insights are the ones that are specifically relevant to your company and its products. This type of information comes from a third-party platform that provides weekly reports on how many people research your company’s category and vendors. They collect data from hundreds of B2B websites — not just Google — to generate better insight into buyer behaviour.

To create a valid intent data list we should consider:

  • Type of content and amount of content consumed
  • Bounce rate or time spent on Webpage
  • Heatmap of the User including scroll, where he spent more time etc

Intelous allows researchers to send relevant information unobtrusively at the right time in a customer’s research journey. It also helps down-funnel salespeople focus their time when those opportunities are coming to fruition and want to hear from them.

How Do You Use B2B Intent Data?

Intelligent data is the gold standard in go-to-market strategy, sales and marketing strategies, segmentation, and personalization. Data from your website is limited to what people tell you about themselves, but utilizing Intent Data enables you to understand where they have been searching for solutions, which providers they have tested with to try and solve their problem, and what pricing options they’ve considered as part of that process.

There are 3 main use cases for sales and marketing teams using intent data in 2022:

  1. Identify early buyer interest. Identifying your top prospects early can significantly increase conversion rates and reduce sales cycle time. With intent signals, you can identify which companies are actively researching your solution — before they fill out a form on your site or engage with your sales or marketing teams.
  2. Targeted Account list and personalisation. Marketing and sales teams can filter outreach lists for accounts that show an active interest. Also, the teams can more easily personalize the initial outreach with resources that match whatever accounts are already looking for.
  3. Lead scoring and prioritizing accounts. Give priority to companies that demonstrate interest and purchase intent — before they initiate the buying process with a competitor. With Predictive Purchase Data, you can use predictive purchase data to weigh your lead scoring model.

Get in Front of Buyers Earlier in the Buying Process

With the rise in B2B buyer self-guided research and initial point of contact, companies need to know how to form long-term relationships with their buyers. Predictive purchase data allows sales and marketing teams to initiate contact with buyers earlier in the buying cycle, as well as allow your organization to consistently deliver value at each stage of the buyer’s journey.

Other benefits of using Intelligent data include:

  • Identifying and leveraging a vast amount of contacts for account targeting, finding the ideal buyer
  • Having opportunities with potential customers that haven’t directly engaged with sales and marketing teams yet
  • Calculating more effective sales and marketing plans using content consumption
  • Maintaining and personalizing relationships with prospects
  • Knowing which accounts are primed to spend

Evaluating Intent Platforms

When evaluating intent data providers, here are a few crucial questions to ask:

  • Does the data map to leads, accounts, or both?
  • How broad is the coverage and how granular is the detail?
  • Can the provider deliver context? That is, do they provide a breakdown of how the scores are calculated?
  • Does this data integration into your existing marketing system, CRM, and scoring model?
  • How frequently do you get your intent updates?
  • Are you able to customize the topics you track?

Intelous Intent is the most advanced way to keep ahead of your competition. Real-time alerts, in sync with the Intelous platform, are delivered to your inbox as soon as an intent signal is detected. Find out who’s looking to buy what you sell, when they’re interested, and how much they’re willing to spend.


B2B intent data, as with any data analytics, isn’t foolproof. When used alone, intent data can find customers who display interest and buy when prompted. However, if you are too reliant on intent data to identify potential customers and leads, you run the risk of feeding on a starving pipeline. Because unlike other forms of marketing intelligence like demographics or firmographics, intent data lacks context about solutions and value propositions that could represent trade-offs for prospects. Using intent alongside other tools that reflect fit and engagement can allow you to build a small but manageable pipeline that creates a win-win scenario for both buyer and seller alike.

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