Account-based marketing – What trending new in 2023

By Aadarsh K S | September 30, 2023

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has been gaining significant attention in the marketing world in recent years. In 2023, B2B companies are adopting this strategy more than ever to drive revenue and customer acquisition. ABM allows marketers to focus their efforts on a select group of high-value accounts rather than casting a wide net and has proven to be effective in generating more revenue from existing customers as well as acquiring new ones. In this blog, we will explore everything you need to know about Account-Based Marketing in 2023, including why it is important, how it differs from traditional marketing, the ABM framework, creating an ABM strategy, tactics, measuring success, tools and technologies to consider, implementation tips, case studies, and emerging trends and best practices.

Introduction to Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategic approach to B2B marketing that focuses on targeting a select group of high-value accounts instead of casting a wide net. This approach aligns marketing and sales efforts to engage and nurture key decision-makers within these accounts, with the ultimate goal of driving revenue growth. ABM involves a personalized approach that treats each account as a market of one, tailoring content and outreach to their unique needs and challenges.

Why ABM is Important for B2B Companies in 2023

B2B companies are facing increasing pressure to demonstrate the ROI of their marketing efforts. ABM is an effective way to generate revenue from existing customers as well as acquire new ones. A study by ITSMA found that 85% of marketers who measure ROI say that ABM outperforms other marketing investments. ABM enables marketers to focus on high-value accounts that are most likely to drive revenue growth and tailor their efforts to those specific accounts. In addition, ABM helps align marketing and sales efforts, ensuring that both teams are working towards the same goals.

How ABM Differs from Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing techniques are typically focused on casting a wide net to generate leads, with the hope that some of those leads will convert into customers. In contrast, ABM is a targeted approach that focuses on a select group of high-value accounts. Rather than generating a large number of leads, ABM aims to generate high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into customers. ABM involves a more personalized approach, with tailored content and outreach to each account.

The ABM Framework: Identifying and Prioritizing Target Accounts

Identifying and prioritizing target accounts is a crucial step in any ABM strategy. It is important to start by defining what makes an ideal customer for your business. You should consider factors such as company size, industry, location, revenue potential, and fit with your product or service.

To identify potential target accounts, you can start by looking at your existing customer base and analyzing their characteristics to create an ideal customer profile. You can also leverage data and insights from third-party providers to identify new prospects that match your ideal customer profile.

Once you have a list of potential target accounts, it’s important to prioritize them based on their revenue potential and the likelihood of conversion. One effective approach is to use a scoring system that assigns a score to each account based on factors such as their level of engagement with your brand, their budget, and their authority to make purchasing decisions.It’s also important to consider the buying stage of each account. For example, accounts that are actively searching for a solution may be more likely to convert than accounts that are just beginning their research. By prioritizing accounts based on their buying stage, you can ensure that your ABM efforts are focused on accounts that are most likely to convert in the short term.

Creating an ABM Strategy: Aligning Sales and Marketing

ABM requires close collaboration between marketing and sales teams. Sales teams are typically responsible for identifying target accounts and engaging with key decision-makers within those accounts. Marketing teams are responsible for creating personalized content and outreach that is tailored to the specific needs of each account. To create an effective ABM strategy, it is essential to align sales and marketing efforts, ensuring that both teams are working towards the same goals.

ABM Tactics: Personalization, Content Marketing, and Multi-Channel Outreach

ABM tactics are focused on delivering a highly personalized experience to target accounts. Personalization is achieved by tailoring messaging and outreach efforts to the unique characteristics and needs of each account. This can involve creating custom landing pages, sending personalized emails, and hosting events that are specific to the interests of the target account.

In addition to personalization, content marketing is an important ABM tactic. Businesses create content that is tailored to the specific needs and challenges of their target accounts. This can involve case studies, whitepapers, or blog posts that address the issues and pain points of the target account.

Multi-channel outreach is another key ABM tactic. It involves using a variety of channels to reach target accounts, such as email, social media, and direct mail. Multi-channel outreach helps businesses to increase their chances of engaging with target accounts and moving them through the sales funnel.

Overall, ABM tactics are focused on delivering a personalized and targeted experience to target accounts, through the use of customized messaging, content marketing, and multi-channel outreach efforts. These tactics are designed to help businesses build relationships with their target accounts and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Measuring the Success of Your ABM Campaigns

Measuring the success of your ABM campaigns is essential to understand what works and what doesn’t. The metrics you use will depend on your goals, but some common ones include engagement rates, pipeline contribution, and revenue generated.

To accurately measure your ABM campaigns, it’s important to track data at both the account level and the individual level. This allows you to see the impact of your efforts on specific accounts, as well as the overall effectiveness of your ABM strategy. Additionally, ongoing analysis and optimization based on these metrics can help you continuously improve your campaigns and drive better results.

ABM Tools and Technologies to Consider

ABM requires a different approach and toolset than traditional marketing. Several technologies and tools can help you execute your ABM campaigns effectively. Some of the most popular tools include account-based advertising platforms, CRM systems, intent data providers, and sales intelligence tools. These tools help you identify and target your ideal accounts, personalize your messaging, and engage with decision-makers through various channels. It’s essential to choose tools that align with your ABM strategy and goals and integrate seamlessly with your existing marketing and sales systems.

The Intelous conversational AI platform is the right fit for any type of ABM campaign, as it allows businesses to identify and discover target accounts, personalize the customer experience, and engage in real-time or on buyers’ time.

Tips for Implementing ABM in Your Organization

Implementing ABM in your organization requires careful planning and coordination between marketing and sales teams. Here are some tips to help you successfully implement ABM in your organization:

  1. Start with a clear understanding of your ideal customer profile (ICP) and target accounts.
  2. Ensure alignment between your sales and marketing teams, with shared goals and metrics.
  3. Develop a comprehensive ABM strategy that includes personalization, content marketing, and multi-channel outreach.
  4. Choose the right ABM tools and technologies that align with your strategy and goals.
  5. Monitor and measure your campaigns’ performance regularly, optimizing based on results.
  6. Stay up-to-date with emerging trends and best practices in ABM to stay ahead of the competition.

The Future of ABM: Emerging Trends and Best Practices

ABM is continually evolving as new technologies and tactics emerge. Some of the emerging trends and best practices in ABM include:

  1. AI-powered ABM – Artificial intelligence and machine learning can help companies identify and prioritize target accounts, personalize messaging, and automate outreach.
  2. Omnichannel ABM – A multichannel approach to ABM can increase engagement and improve the customer experience by reaching decision-makers through various channels.
  3. Greater personalization – ABM is all about personalization, and as technology advances, so does the ability to create highly tailored experiences for target accounts.
  4. Alignment with customer success – ABM is not just about acquiring new customers but also about retaining and growing existing ones. ABM strategies should align with customer success goals to achieve long-term relationships.

 How to stay ahead of the curve in ABM and Intelous Conversational AI Platform.

The future of ABM and the Intelous conversational AI platform is very promising. With the continued growth of data and technology, ABM is becoming an increasingly popular strategy for businesses looking to drive revenue growth and improve their ROI.

The Intelous conversational AI platform is well-positioned to take advantage of this trend, as it allows businesses to identify and discover target accounts, personalize the customer experience, and engage in real-time or on buyers’ time.

One of the key trends in the future of ABM is the increased use of data and analytics. The Intelous conversational AI platform is equipped with advanced analytics capabilities that allow businesses to identify target accounts and segment them accordingly. This will become increasingly important as businesses look to target their ABM efforts more effectively and drive conversions.

Another trend in the future of ABM is the increased use of AI and automation. The Intelous conversational AI platform is powered by AI and automation, which allows businesses to personalize the customer experience and engage in real-time or on buyers’ time. This will become increasingly important as businesses look to drive engagement and conversion rates.

In the future, businesses will also focus on providing a seamless experience across channels and devices. Intelous’s Omnichannel feature will help businesses to connect with customers on any channel, in real-time, with personalized messaging tailored to their individual needs. This will help businesses to increase engagement and conversion rates, resulting in a more effective ABM strategy.

Overall, the future of ABM and the Intelous conversational AI platform is very promising, as businesses are increasingly looking to use data, analytics, AI and automation to drive revenue growth and improve their ROI. The Intelous conversational AI platform is well-positioned to take advantage of these trends and help businesses achieve their goals.

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