How Intelous AI is Using Generative AI to Enhance Its Content Strategy in 2024

By Arkaprabha Pal | August 1, 2024

Have you ever wondered how the most successful B2B companies effortlessly create personalized, high-quality content at scale?

From writing high-quality blogs, white papers, and ebooks to creating lead-generating case studies, articles, and PR campaigns, they are implementing a magic potion in their content strategy.

And that potion is Generative AI.

Generative AI  has become the fulcrum of content production in over 58% of organizations in 2024.

And you definitely don’t want to find yourself left behind. 

Neither did we.

So at Intelous AI, we harness the power of advanced AI systems to transform content creation and engagement strategies, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve. Generative AI enhances efficiency and boosts customer engagement by automating and personalizing marketing efforts.

In this blog, we’ll explore the vital role of Generative AI in modern marketing and how it can revolutionize your approach across every stage of the marketing funnel.

But first, lets start with the basics.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, from text to images, based on the data they’ve been trained on. These systems can understand and generate human-like responses, making them invaluable in automating and personalizing marketing efforts.

The Role of Generative AI in Marketing

The importance of Generative AI in marketing cannot be overstated; it allows businesses to

  • Scale content creation
  • Tailor messaging to individual users
  • Drive higher engagement and conversion rates.

Recent studies show that 58% of organizations across sectors and geographies have implemented or experimented with generative AI for marketing purposes. This includes both B2B and B2C sectors, indicating widespread adoption. (Source: MarketingProfs). 30% of hours worked could be automated by generative AI technologies by 2030. (Source: Exploding Topics). 

Generative AI significantly enhances customer experience (CX) and sales effectiveness by providing hyper-personalized content and automating mundane sales activities, improving top-line performance. (Source: McKinsey). 74% of organizations in customer service are testing or deploying AI, with a prediction that 95% of customer interactions will be AI-assisted by 2025 (Source: Exploding Topics).   

Companies are seeing meaningful revenue increases and cost benefits from implementing AI in marketing and sales. Specifically, organizations report significant cost reductions and revenue increases from using generative AI.  (Source: McKinsey)

These statistics underscore the transformative impact of Generative AI on B2B marketing.

Generative AI Across the Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel comprises several stages: Awareness, Consideration, Decision, and Retention. 

Generative AI can be utilized at each stage to optimize content delivery and engagement.

Marketing Funnel StageObjectiveGenerative AI ApplicationsTools
AwarenessGenerate AttentionAutomated content creation (blog posts, whitepapers, social media content)GPT-4, Microsoft Co-Pilot, Writesonic
ConsiderationHold on to ProspectsPersonalized email campaigns based on user behavior and preferencesHubSpot, Mailchimp
DecisionEnsure ConversionInteractive and dynamic content (case studies, infographics, virtual assistants)ChatGPT, Canva
RetentionBuild Long-term RelationshipsPersonalized content recommendationsIBM Watson, Salesforce Einstein

Here are some example prompts and their generated content from each stage of the funnel.

Awareness – Generate Attention

Prompt: Write a 500-word blog post outline about the benefits of AI in B2B marketing.

Blog Post Outline: The Benefits of AI in B2B Marketing


  • Hook: Brief anecdote or statistic highlighting the impact of AI on marketing.
  • Thesis Statement: Overview of how AI is revolutionizing B2B marketing by enhancing efficiency, personalization, and data-driven decision-making.

1. Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

  • Automation of Repetitive Tasks:
    • Automating email campaigns, social media posts, and other routine tasks.
    • Case Study: Example of a company that reduced man-hours by automating lead nurturing.
  • Improved Lead Scoring and Qualification:
    • AI algorithms for analyzing vast amounts of data to identify high-quality leads.
    • Impact: Shortening sales cycles and increasing conversion rates.

2. Personalized Marketing at Scale

  • Advanced Customer Segmentation:
    • AI’s ability to analyze customer data to create precise segments.
    • Example: Using AI to tailor marketing messages to different buyer personas.
  • Dynamic Content Creation:
    • AI-driven tools for creating personalized content, such as emails and landing pages.
    • Benefit: Increased engagement and improved customer experience.

3. Data-Driven Decision Making

  • Predictive Analytics:
    • Using AI to forecast trends and customer behaviors.
    • Example: Predicting which products or services will be in demand.
  • Real-Time Data Analysis:
    • AI tools for analyzing data in real-time to make swift marketing decisions.
    • Case Study: Example of a company adjusting its marketing strategy on the fly based on real-time insights.

4. Enhanced Customer Insights

  • Sentiment Analysis:
    • Using AI to gauge customer sentiment from social media, reviews, and other sources.
    • Benefit: Understanding customer feelings and improving customer relations.
  • Behavioral Analytics:
    • Tracking and analyzing customer behavior to optimize marketing strategies.
    • Example: Adjusting website design based on user interaction data.

5. Competitive Advantage

  • Market Analysis:
    • AI tools for analyzing competitor strategies and market trends.
    • Benefit: Staying ahead of the competition by identifying opportunities and threats.
  • Innovation and Adaptation:
    • AI’s role in driving innovation in marketing strategies.
    • Example: Adapting to new market conditions faster than competitors.


  • Summary of Key Points: Recap of the main benefits discussed.
  • Call to Action: Encouraging businesses to adopt AI in their marketing strategies.
  • Closing Thought: Final note on the future of AI in B2B marketing.

Additional Elements (Optional)

  • Visuals: Charts, graphs, or infographics to illustrate points.
  • Quotes: Expert opinions or statistics to support arguments.
  • Links to Resources: Further reading or tools for implementing AI in marketing.

Consideration Stage – Holding on to Prospects

Prompt: Create a personalized email for a prospect interested in AI-powered marketing tools.

Subject: Transform Your B2B Marketing with Our AI-Powered Tools!

Email Body:

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well!

I’m [Your Name], a Digital Marketing Specialist at XYZ. I noticed your interest in AI-powered marketing tools, and I wanted to share how our innovative solutions can help elevate your B2B marketing efforts.

At XYZ, we understand the unique challenges B2B marketers face and the importance of staying ahead in a competitive landscape. Here’s how our AI-powered tools can make a significant impact on your marketing strategy:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity:
    • Automate Routine Tasks: Save time by automating email campaigns, social media posts, and lead nurturing processes.
    • Smart Lead Scoring: Our AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to identify and prioritize high-quality leads, shortening your sales cycles and boosting conversion rates.
  2. Personalized Marketing at Scale:
    • Advanced Customer Segmentation: Utilize AI to create precise customer segments and tailor your marketing messages to different buyer personas.
    • Dynamic Content Creation: Generate personalized content, including emails and landing pages, that resonates with your audience and enhances engagement.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making:
    • Predictive Analytics: Forecast trends and customer behaviors to stay ahead of the curve.
    • Real-Time Data Analysis: Make swift, informed decisions by analyzing data in real-time, allowing you to adjust your strategies on the fly.
  4. Enhanced Customer Insights:
    • Sentiment Analysis: Gauge customer sentiment from social media, reviews, and other sources to improve customer relations.
    • Behavioral Analytics: Track and analyze customer behavior to optimize your marketing strategies and improve the user experience.

Our AI-powered tools are designed to provide you with a competitive advantage, enabling you to analyze market trends, stay ahead of your competitors, and drive innovation in your marketing strategies.

I would love to schedule a demo to show you how our solutions can specifically benefit your business. Please let me know a convenient time for you, or feel free to book a slot directly through my [calendar link].

Looking forward to the opportunity to help you revolutionize your marketing strategy with AI!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
Digital Marketing Specialist
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]
[Website URL]

Decision Stage –  Ensuring Conversion

Prompt: Create an interactive case study showcasing a client’s success with our AI tools.

Interactive Case Study: How ABC Corp Boosted Their B2B Marketing with XYZ’s AI Tools


  • Client Overview: ABC Corp, a leading manufacturer in the industrial sector, faced challenges in streamlining their marketing efforts and improving lead conversion rates.
  • Objective: To enhance marketing efficiency, personalize customer engagement, and leverage data-driven insights to boost sales.


ABC Corp struggled with:

  • Inefficient Manual Processes: Time-consuming email campaigns and lead qualification.
  • Limited Personalization: Generic marketing messages that failed to engage diverse customer segments.
  • Lack of Real-Time Insights: Delays in adapting to market trends and customer behaviors.

Solution Implementation

  • Automation of Repetitive Tasks:
    • Implemented AI-powered email marketing and social media management tools.
    • Automated lead nurturing workflows.
  • Advanced Customer Segmentation:
    • Utilized AI algorithms to analyze customer data and create precise segments.
    • Tailored marketing messages for different buyer personas.
  • Predictive Analytics and Real-Time Data Analysis:
    • Integrated AI tools to forecast market trends and customer behaviors.
    • Provided real-time data analysis for swift decision-making.

Interactive Elements

1. Automation Dashboard Simulation:

  • Feature: Interactive demo showcasing how ABC Corp automated their email campaigns and lead nurturing processes.
  • User Interaction: Click-through interface to experience the automation setup, with before-and-after efficiency metrics.

2. Customer Segmentation Visualizer:

  • Feature: Visual tool displaying how AI created customer segments based on data.
  • User Interaction: Users can hover over different segments to see detailed profiles and the personalized messages sent to each group.

3. Predictive Analytics Heatmap:

  • Feature: Interactive heatmap showing predicted market trends and customer behavior patterns.
  • User Interaction: Click on different areas of the heatmap to explore specific predictions and the corresponding marketing actions taken by ABC Corp.


  • Increased Efficiency:
    • Before: 20 hours/week on manual email campaigns.
    • After: 5 hours/week with AI automation.
  • Improved Lead Conversion:
    • Before: 15% lead conversion rate.
    • After: 30% lead conversion rate post-AI implementation.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement:
    • Before: Generic messaging led to 10% engagement.
    • After: Personalized content increased engagement to 25%.


  • Summary: Highlighting the key benefits ABC Corp experienced with XYZ’s AI tools.
  • Call to Action: Encouraging potential clients to explore how AI can revolutionize their marketing strategies.
  • Demo Request: Invite readers to schedule a demo or consultation to see how XYZ’s AI solutions can benefit their business.

Explore the Interactive Case Study

Predictive Analytics Heatmap: [Explore Heatmap]

Automation Dashboard Simulation: [Launch Demo]

Customer Segmentation Visualizer: [View Tool]

Retention Stage -Building a long term relationship

Prompt:  Recommend relevant content for a user interested in AI-driven analytics.

Relevant Content for Users Interested in AI-Driven Analytics

1. Blog Posts

  • “Unlocking the Power of AI-Driven Analytics for Your Business”
    • Overview of how AI-driven analytics can transform various aspects of business operations.
    • Key benefits and real-world applications.
  • “Top 5 AI-Driven Analytics Tools to Watch in 2024”
    • Reviews of the latest and most effective AI analytics tools.
    • Pros, cons, and unique features of each tool.

2. Whitepapers and Ebooks

  • “AI-Driven Analytics: A Comprehensive Guide”
    • In-depth exploration of AI-driven analytics, including methodologies, case studies, and future trends.
    • Downloadable guide for detailed understanding and implementation strategies.
  • “Harnessing AI for Data-Driven Decision Making”
    • Whitepaper focusing on how businesses can leverage AI for smarter decision-making.
    • Includes industry-specific examples and actionable insights.

3. Webinars and Videos

  • “AI Analytics in Action: Real-World Use Cases”
    • Webinar featuring industry experts discussing practical applications of AI analytics.
    • Interactive Q&A session with participants.
  • “Demystifying AI-Driven Analytics”
    • Video series explaining complex AI concepts in simple terms.
    • Step-by-step tutorials on using popular AI analytics tools.

4. Case Studies

  • “Transforming Retail with AI-Driven Analytics”
    • Detailed case study of a retail company that improved sales and customer satisfaction using AI analytics.
    • Includes before-and-after metrics and ROI analysis.
  • “AI-Driven Analytics in Healthcare: Enhancing Patient Outcomes”
    • Case study showcasing how healthcare providers use AI analytics to improve patient care and operational efficiency.
    • Highlights key challenges and solutions.

5. Infographics

  • “The Evolution of AI-Driven Analytics”
    • Visual timeline of the development and advancements in AI analytics.
    • Key milestones and future predictions.
  • “Benefits of AI-Driven Analytics for Different Industries”
    • Infographic showing how various sectors, such as finance, healthcare, and marketing, benefit from AI analytics.
    • Quick, digestible statistics and insights.

6. Interactive Tools and Demos

  • “AI Analytics Tool Comparison Chart”
    • Interactive chart allowing users to compare features, pricing, and reviews of different AI analytics tools.
    • Helps in selecting the best tool for specific business needs.
  • “Predictive Analytics Demo”
    • Hands-on demo of an AI-driven predictive analytics tool.
    • Users can input their data and see real-time analysis and predictions.

7. Podcasts

  • “AI Insights: The Future of Data Analytics”
    • Podcast series featuring interviews with AI and data analytics experts.
    • Discussions on trends, challenges, and innovative solutions in AI-driven analytics.
  • “Analytics Edge”
    • Podcast episodes covering the latest in AI analytics, including success stories and expert advice.
    • Practical tips and strategies for leveraging AI in data analytics.


Providing a mix of formats—blogs, whitepapers, webinars, case studies, infographics, interactive tools, and podcasts—ensures a comprehensive and engaging experience for users interested in AI-driven analytics. This diverse content can help them understand the potential, implementation, and benefits of AI analytics in various contexts.

Tools for Leveraging Generative AI

Several tools and platforms facilitate the use of Generative AI in marketing:

Integrating these tools into your marketing strategy can streamline content creation, enhance personalization, and improve overall campaign effectiveness.

Here are some tutorials that may be useful – 

  1. How to use ChatGPT for Digital Marketing in 2024 | ChatGPT Tutorial
  2. Copilot Learning Hub: Copilot for Business
  3. WriteSonic Tutorial – How To Generate AI Content With WriteSonic For Beginners
  4. HubSpot CRM Tutorial for Beginners
  5. Mailchimp Email Marketing Tutorial 2024 (How To Send Emails With Mailchimp)
  6. Learn Canva AI in 8 Minutes! How to Use Canva for Beginners [Full Canva AI Tutorial 2023]
  7. Build Your Own AI Assistant (Chatbot) with IBM Watson Assistant 
  8. How To Increase Revenue Using AI for CRM: Salesforce Einstein | Salesforce Explained 

Future Trends in Generative AI and Marketing

The future of Generative AI in marketing is bright, with emerging trends such as hyper-personalization, AI-powered virtual events, RAG (Retireval Augmented Generation), , GEO (Generative Engine Optimization), and advanced predictive analytics set to transform the industry. As technology continues to evolve, Intelous AI is committed to staying ahead of these trends, ensuring our clients have access to the latest tools and strategies.

Hyper-PersonalizationAI is used to create highly customized marketing experiences for individual customers by analyzing their behavior, preferences, and interactions in real time.
AI-Powered Virtual EventsAI enhances virtual events to provide interactive and engaging experiences, including real-time analytics, personalized content, and automated support.
RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)Combining the power of AI-generated content with retrieval of relevant, factual information to create more accurate and contextually appropriate marketing materials.
GEO (Generative Engine Optimization)The application of AI to optimize generated content for search engines ensures it ranks highly in search results and effectively reaches the target audience.
Advanced Predictive AnalyticsUtilizing sophisticated AI algorithms to analyze data and predict future trends, customer behaviors, and market opportunities enables proactive decision-making.

Key Takeaways

1. Enhanced Efficiency: Generative AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for strategic activities.

2. Personalization at Scale: AI tools enable the creation of highly personalized content, improving customer engagement and satisfaction.

3. Data-Driven Insights: AI-powered analytics provide real-time insights, allowing for agile decision-making and optimized marketing strategies.

4. Versatile Applications: Generative AI can be applied across the marketing funnel—from awareness to retention—ensuring a seamless customer experience.

5. Future-Proofing: Staying updated with Generative AI trends helps businesses remain competitive and innovative in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Generative AI is a game-changer for B2B marketing, offering unparalleled automation, personalization, and engagement opportunities. By leveraging AI tools and platforms, businesses can create compelling content, connect with their audience, and drive meaningful results. It offers substantial benefits such as automation of content creation, personalization of customer interactions, and enhancing engagement and conversion rates. By leveraging these advanced AI tools, businesses can efficiently scale their marketing efforts, tailor messages to individual customer needs, and gain a competitive edge in their respective markets.

With Intelous AI, your go-to ABM Platform, the future of marketing is Now!.

Book a demo with our experts today.

About Intelous AI

Intelous AI, a leader in Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Content Syndication Leads, accelerates business growth with AI-powered Full Funnel Avatars™. These avatars nurture and qualify leads, enabling businesses to focus on deal closures.

Intelous’s capabilities span Full Funnel Marketing, Intent Leads, Account-Based Content Syndication, Demand Generation, and Bottom of Funnel Campaigns. Its advanced Conversational AI drives pipeline growth and customer conversion. By harnessing buyer intent data and tailoring content syndication, Intelous ensures a seamless transition from Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) to Sales Qualified Leads (SQL). Experience the future of sales and marketing with Intelous.


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